
Module nats_client

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NATS client

NatsClient provided here is a wrapper around [Client] that provides convenient methods using domain-specific traits.

Before reading code, make sure to familiarize yourself with NATS documentation, especially with subjects and Core NATS features.

Abstractions provided here cover a few use cases:

  • request/response (for example piece request)
  • request/stream of responses (for example a stream of plotted sectors of the farmer)
  • notifications (typically targeting a particular instance of an app) and corresponding subscriptions (for example solution notification)
  • broadcasts and corresponding subscriptions (for example slot info broadcast)


  • NATS client wrapper that can be used to interact with other Subspace-specific clients
  • Wrapper around subscription that transforms stream of wrapped response messages into a normal Response stream.
  • Subscriber wrapper that decodes messages automatically and skips messages that can’t be decoded

